Sunday, February 19, 2012

Preschoool Goodness

My daughter is preschool age, but the requirments for her to get in here (without paying a pretty penny) are a bit ridiculous.  They did call us last week  saying they finally had an opening for her, but with us only having one car at the moment it would be very hard for us to do, plus the fact that she pretty much knows what she needs to for kindergarten (and the lady was rude when I started to ask questions, heaven forbid)  I just didn't have a wonderful feeling about it, I mean yes, it would be nice for her to be at school all day (but for me)  Anyway, needless to say I turned them down (the gal got really nasty after that), if I wasn't feeling comfortable about it, it was for a reason.  I have been working with Hazel on her letters and numbers and I started looking up a few other things to work on before she hits Kindergarten this fall.  I found this website:       check it out they have lots of great info and printables. I am so excited!!!!  I hope she is too!!

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