Sunday, March 13, 2011

I have been sewing and ironing like a mad women.  I should be finished tomorrow and can't wait to share what I have been up too. 

It has been a busy and strange weekend for us.  We live in Japan, but on an island way below mainland.   So we have had lots of sirens and warnings to stay away from the beach and mainly just to be careful.  I am so thankful that we were spared.   I will be gathering some things tomorrow to take to our church so that some kits can be made and sent to the people who have been affected by everything going on in Mainland Japan.    Please keep them in your prayers. 

1 comment:

  1. Ande,
    I didn't realize that you were in Japan! I am glad that you are all ok! I was an exchange student to Japan in H.S. and I am waiting to hear back via email from my host sister that they are ok. They live in Hyogo Prefecture which is also south, so I think that they were not too affected. I have enjoyed your blog! My girls and I are writing a similar one.
    Take Care!
    Debbie (Laga)
